Sunday, April 05, 2009

I've done some new CGI stuff in Maya this week, but unfortunately for people viewing this site, it's just paint weights (the stuff we cgi artists do to stick our skin mesh to the bones of the model). When I add the controls to the model (to make it move) I'll add it next week on the site with pics.

However I got some holiday cards I did throughout early 2008 to show you all though that were only sent via email to colleages or posted on my friends sites on myspace. Enjoy! (Note click on links for larger pic!):

New Years 2008

St. Patty39s Day 2008

Valentines Day 2008

Easter Card 3908

1 comment:

Trevor Thompson said...

Dude, that Easter one had me in tears! I LOVE it!

So, I haven't played with it in years, so you tell me, is Maya still very user un-friendly?

Also, to answer a question two posts back I read yer blog, buddy! Fuck, I follow the damn thing. Think you can link me?

The links on my blog ( although down right now ) are clickable jpegs and I design them based on people's blog banners. Since you don't have one I thought I would incorporate one of yer drawings. Do you have a fave one you'd like me to use?

Talk to you later, main.

- trevor.